Wednesday, April 12, 2017

About Lisa's Weekend

Lisa's Weekend (#LisasWeekend) is about treasuring up who you have in your life while serving others who have less. Its the celebration of the life of an exceptional mother of seven.

Here is how it works:

On many weekends, we tend to go out and spend our money on entertainment, dining and other things that ... well... aren't necessary.  Most of us in the western world do that quite frequently.

On LISA's WEEKEND, you stay home. You spend time with your loved ones. You walk somewhere together instead of drive. You pay attention to the little things. You turn off the TV, the computer and put your phone and tablet somewhere safe until Monday morning.

On LISA's WEEKEND, you hug your kids. You embrace your loved ones. You hold hands. You give and receive a sweet kiss. You notice the way the hair falls, the creases in a face, the subtle curve of a smile, the batting of an eyelash.

On LISA's WEEKEND, you express love. You express gratitude. You humble yourself enough to recognize that you're lucky to have those that you have around you, here and now.

On LISA's WEEKEND, you take time to talk with God. To give thanks for what you have. To admit that it will all be gone one day, and to commit to enjoying it just a little more, right now.

On LISA's WEEKEND, you spend the the time that you would have spent on yourself, serving others, building them up and making their lives better.

On LISA's WEEKEND, you spend the money that you would have spent on yourself, however little or however big that sum might be, on someone else or some cause that will use it to help lift another's burden, to make the heaviness of life a little lighter, and to make the sun shine a little brighter, and to help someone else feel a little more loved.

Its just one weekend. Its just a small sacrifice of time and money.

But it can pay off for a lifetime. It can remind you of what you have. It can help you believe in you own goodness, in your own capacity to give, to serve, to love and to be better than you are today.

Start this weekend.

Start now.

You can even help Lisa's real family by clicking HERE 

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